Today I want to perform a simple experiment in logical thought.
We have long been told that increasing levels of carbon dioxide will cause the planet to heat up catastrophically. In fact, the entire “climate change” debate has been centered around increasing CO2.
If warming caused by CO2 is the concern…then why did the climate alarmists drop the “global warming” verbiage in favor of the term “climate change”? Because the term “climate change” gives propagandists far more flexibility to repackage their message whenever the climate doesn’t cooperate with their current narrative.
Let’s assume, for the sake of argument, that increasing CO2 does cause the global temperature to increase. Let’s also assume that CO2 levels are also higher on a global scale, in other words, it’s increasing the same everywhere on the planet. That is the essence of the message we have been told time and again by climate alarmists for the past 23 years.
If we operate under the climate change hypothesis stated above, then it should be safe to assume that temperatures everywhere are hotter now than they were when CO2 levels were lower. Correct? After all, there is more CO2 and more heat being trapped…so we should be seeing more and more hot days all around the world. In theory, we should be able to pick any one location and demonstrate how much hotter it is than it used to be, now that there is more CO2 in the air.
To test that idea, I want to look at the number of 100-degree high temperatures recorded in Kansas City, which is near the heart of the continent….a location that should be fairly representative of what is happening across the United States. The following graphic shows the number of days where the high temperature reached 100° or warmer, compared to the global average CO2 concentrations at the time they were recorded:

There were more days over 100° in 1936 alone, than there were in the past 20 years in the Kansas City area. There were none in 2019…a year in which NOAA claimed July 2019 to be the hottest on record!
The CO2 levels were 100 parts per million lower in 1936 than in the most recent couple of years, yet the number of 100° days then were off the charts compared to those in the last decade.
Here is a chart of measured CO2 level at the Mauna Loa montiroing site in Hawaii since 1960:

This example demonstrates that the CO2 hypothesis is not only intellectually dishonest, but so simplistic that it should be dismissed by anyone who is serious about understanding how the climate of this planet behaves.
In science, it is important to use proven, tested, and reliable information to determine whether you are on the right track.
The idea that increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide are causing the temperature of the planet to warm, has been put to the test time and again…and has failed repeatedly. Yet, rather than discarding the failed hypothesis…alarmists just keep repackaging it…in hopes that people will believe the new version of the old lies this time around.