
Below is a list of websites that can be good sources of information on climate and energy. Note, the ACEA does not necessarily agree with every viewpoint that is contained with each of these websites, as they are constantly updating and we have not reviewed all the content within each.




A news blog site collecting news and information on the environment from around the world.


Climate Depot

A news aggregator collecting news and information on the environment from across the web.

A website providing information about the sun – earth environment.


A good site focused on oil prices with links to articles involving various issues involving energy.



The WindAction Group is dedicated to providing information on industrial wind energy, enabling communities and government officials to make informed decisions.


Alliance For Wise Energy Decisions

The Alliance for Wise Energy Decisions compiles articles, studies and reports on energy matters, and organizes them in an understandable manner. This site is also an excellent resource for communities that need assistance with fighting the installation of industrial wind plants.


Institute for Energy Research

The Institute for Energy Research (IER) is a not-for-profit organization that conducts intensive research and analysis on the functions, operations, and government regulation of global energy markets.



A blog within the IER (linked above), MasterResource is a forum about energy markets and public policy. Worth your time.

This site links to various articles related to energy – particularly alternative energy – from around the globe. The site also has ongoing discussion regarding said articles.



A site dedicated against wind farms, they provide information from around the globe about the harmful impacts – and questionable claims – of wind energy.

CLIMATE / Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate & Environmental Policy

The Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy at The Heartland Institute is an independent and authoritative source of research and commentary on a wide range of environmental issues, including climate change, air and water pollution, public health, and energy policy.


Dr. Roy Spencer

Dr. Roy Spencer is a climatologist and former NASA scientist who believes in climate change – he just doesn’t believe it’s manmade.


Watts Up With That

A popular website regarding issues impacting the climate.